Month: January 2016

Things to Consider When Selecting Vinyl Windows

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Image of New Vinyl Windows for your Home

Windows are the most important feature of any home that allow natural light into your home and allow you to view outside while sitting inside the rooms. Moreover, windows add beauty to a home. All these facts make it necessary to consider several factors while selecting New Vinyl Windows for your Home.

The number and size

The number of required windows and size of each window in your home can be determined by various considerations for e.g. how much light you want into the home. Some homeowners prefer few large windows and some prefer more small windows. It totally depends on their individual choice and preferences. They most important thing that you should remember is that having too many windows will make your home look too busy.

The materials

The material of window frame is one more important thing to consider. If you buy vinyl windows, they will come with the benefit of zero maintenance and energy-efficiency. You can select other materials also that will determine the final look of your home and the level of insulation. So always take care while deciding on material by learning its pros and cons.

The design

There are many designs available in the windows for e.g. single/double hug, casement, or picture windows. You should consider the design factor carefully by checking the style of your home. You check which design will look the most appealing to you home and which not. You can get help of Professional Windows Company if you are no sure about which design suit your home. One idea is to order custom vinyl windows if you don’t find any.

The positioning

One more factor to consider is the construction level of your house. Factors like sun rise, sun set affects the window direction. Rightly placed window offer good ventilation and light inside the home. They bring fresh air inside rooms. So it is highly recommended to ensure that your new vinyl windows are positioned in a spot that gets the most from them.

Taking all important factors into consideration while selecting widows will help you to get the most out of it. If you want to learn more facts and considerations you need to remember while you Install Vinyl Windows, visit us at

DIY – Install Replacement Windows

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Image of Buy Cheap Replacement Windows Online

It seems typically to Install Replacement Windows, but the fact is that you just need basic tools and basic skills – although some companies charge high prices for it.

So if you want to do this job by your own, kindly check the condition of your home windows and its existing frame condition. Of your windows are totally rotten with whole unit then you need to replace along with the frames. Somehow this is critical task as compared to Vinyl Windows.

If the frames are in sound condition, then the next step is to measure the size windows, double check the size for more accuracy so that you can be free from the tension if the window doesn’t fits. In certain cases, it will match the standard sizes.

Use the size taken by you for Order Replacement Windows Online. The prices which you’ll receive will be depending on sizes and manufactures. Order insulated windows and then consider the style of windows whether to go with the same old one or with the new style.

It will take your half day for completing this process, once you are done reading the steps, then installation will be much faster.

Summary of the steps to follow:-

  • Remove and keep aside the inside top this can be reused in the same place.
  • Remove old lower sash
  • Remove the parting stop. While removing if it is broken then no need to worry as it is not going to reuse
  • Remove the top sash of old one
  • Either removes the sash liners or sash pockets and takes out the weight. Pull out the Sash cord pulleys and stuff with weight with fiberglass installation.
  • Now install the replacement vinyl windows into placed tight unit outside the top and drive it with mounting screws.
  • Now install the vinyl smart pieces outside near caulk
  • Now again reinstall the old inside top

Required tools guide: –

  • Cordless drill
  • Hammer
  • Measure tape
  • Caulk gun
  • Level
  • Hearing protection
  • Pry bar
  • Safety glasses
  • Utility knife

If you want to Buy Cheap Replacement Windows Online then kindly contact us. At Windows Liquidators

you will get the Best and Cheap Replacement Windows. For further queries and details contact us at

Find Free Shipping for Vinyl Windows

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Image of Online Vinyl Windows Company

Whether you are a home owner or a builder, Windows Liquidator is one of the premium Online Vinyl Windows Company. We source you the replacement windows, vinyl windows, sliding glass doors etc. we are into the business more than a decade and we have many happy clients. We are into business with Replacement Windows and vinyl windows both for new construction. Purchase and return with us so easy. We provide you the hassle free work along with free shipping and returns.

  • Free shipping for Vinyl windows
  • Order above $999 and you’ll get the free shipping in US
  • We deliver the product in just 48 hours
  • If your order is less than $999 then the delivery charges is just $99
  • Canada, Mexico, South America, Caribbean and overseas kindly contact us for price quote
  • Lifting service is only provided if its selected in shopping cart
  • Return claim must be filed in 14 working days from the date of delivery

We deliver products on a freight truck. Therefore, it’s a standard delivery loading dock. If you have opt the lifting service in shopping cart then only our crew member will lift the product. Our freight truck will come with the standard delivery dock to the address and its customer’s duty to unload the product from the truck. An item purchased from us comes with shipment contract. This means that if any loss occurs will pass upon you. That’s the reason we include insurance charges if any damage occur while transit.

Windows Liquidator is one of the premium companies when it comes to Free Shipping for Vinyl Windows. Contact us today for free quote mail us at

Find Cheap Replacement Window Service for your Home

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Image of Buying Cheap Replacement Windows Online

Does your window need replacement? Are you planning for Buying Cheap Replacement Windows Online? Then today in this blog we are going to figure 5 main points before considering replacement windows.

  1. Considering windows – at the first stage you need to consider durability. This depends on where you live and you may choose from double or triple pane window for insulation. Don’t forget to pay attention towards UV rating. Your all new windows can pay you the best ROI on electricity bills.
  2. Considering need – every window which is available in market has its own purpose and benefit and yes the prime purpose is ventilation. While you Order Replacement Windows for your bathroom privacy would be the first concern and yes you’ll be pleased that there are many option available in the market.
  3. Style – you need to match your window with your home. Before you make purchase Online Replacement Windows you need to check some styles with ranch home. Casement windows are one of the windows that will not just close tightly but they are energy efficient as well. Casement windows provide you the clear line which matches the sweeping style of Ranch home. So when you are considering it consider fixed or picture windows. Because they have clean line and gives you a beautiful view. Another choice you can consider is Awning Windows it opens upwards and will give you perfect insulation. You can even consider sliders as well.
  4. Frames – wood windows can’t give you the Ranch look unless they are painted – then why you should buy wood? Vinyl Windows are the cheapest option in front of wood windows. And it also comes in vary of colors.
  5. Where to Buy – for buying and installation you need experienced company. Who provide you the best Cheap Replacement Window Service Replacing old window simply means that removing the old one and installing new window without damaging any surface. So if you are making online purchase of vinyl replacement windows then check the past project and testimonials too this will give you better picture.

Windows Liquidator is one of the premiums Replacement Windows Company. For more details and queries call us or mail us at

4 important things to keep in mind while you go for Replacement Windows

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Image of Cost of Replacement Windows

Basically homeowners don’t consider the Replacement Windows. Windows are something which comes on someone’s mind at top because rough windows can’t give comfort to someone’s eye. So at the time of changing windows comes, people doesn’t have the clear choice.

Windows liquidator is a Replacement Window Company and we have process where you feel comfort and right guidance at the time of Buying New Replacement Windows. It’s a fact that the more you know makes thing easier same goes here knowledge will make your choice easier. So as you think for Replacement windows you need to keep 4 things in mind.

  1. How it works
  • It works in five steps and we use it that way
    • Make a decision to change the windows
    • Give us a call and schedule meeting
    • We will send you the proposal according to your requirements
    • By our proposal and your requirement will finalize the things
    • Completion of project on time and hassle free
  1. What would be the costs
  • Vinyl, wood, fiberglass and aluminum these are the four types of material comes for replacement windows but we would suggest you vinyl windows among all. The Price of Replacement Windows may vary as it totally depends upon your need, quantity and customization. You are not a replacing a leaky spouted tap you are replacing a window and it’s important to keep in mind. Cost is an important factor but is should be very much essential as replacement windows comes with energy efficiency and will increase your home value as well.
  1. Expectation during replacement?
  • At Window Liquidators, you’ll get the best service as you need. No matter how tough work is we will provide you hassle free performance. All you need to do is that you need to handover your home and take rest, rest we will take care of. After completing project you’ll get the home as you left but your windows will give you a whole new look.
  1. Getting multiple quotes
  • We ensure you that with us you’ll get the best quality and service, but getting quotes from other is also your right. We don’t take replacement windows job lightly. Replacing windows is something very important, so do make inquiries. We ensure you the best quote and quality service.

Windows Liquidator is one of the oldest names when it comes to Replacement Vinyl Windows. Get free quote today simply mail us at

Are looking for insulation ways for your home and commercial properties

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Image of commercial vinyl windows

Replacing windows with all new energy efficient windows is one of the best ways to improve your home look. Just imagine the large corporate group if they use traditional windows then they are wasting energy and money as well. Upgrading home or office windows with Commercial Vinyl Windows can save your whole amount of money.

Just replace the window of your office and feel the change then look at the whole building, just imagine if a window can change entire feel in your office room and saves energy then how much whole building replacement will make a change. Buy Vinyl Window for your office this will not only save your electricity bill but it will also combined you with Go Green concept. Based on needs and up gradation we are making out some points in this blog that how to choose an accurate right Commercial Vinyl Windows.

  • Make commercial properties a part of healthier planet

As we know the big businesses are the largest polluters, so it is essential that commercial business should take care of planet atmosphere. As the benefit of energy efficiency available to home owner it will same applied to big flats, big industries and they can also be part of it. So if you want to make it effective then you solar reflective coatings on your building windows and this will benefit you office and environment as well.

  • Even looks matter for commercial building

Nowadays commercial building built with great ambience and appearance. So these glasses are more trending rather than framing because it makes sense that glass has the capability of insulation. So the framing has become outdated and big glasses made an exclusive entry in it, it gives benefit of more light in, great insulation and boost the view.

As nature is our mother is a part of it. At Window Liquidators we are prompt to provide you the best service with low cost. For more queries and details contact us at

All about Vinyl Replacement Windows

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Install New Vinyl Windows

Do you know about vinyl replacement windows? You can replace your old windows with replacement windows made from fiberglass, vinyl, steel, aluminum and wood. Vinyl is the most liked and has good importance among all. You can buy new vinyl windows from franchisee or a manufacturer and install at your home or office.

So why should you go for vinyl windows? What are the benefits of installing vinyl windows? Well here are some:

  • They are less expensive as compared to other windows types
  • They require almost zero maintenance
  • Saves on your electricity bills
  • Custom-made vinyl windows
  • They does not require any repainting job
  • Available in various sizes, colors and styles

And most importantly, vinyl material provides noise cancelation so that you and your family can live in noise-free, peaceful environment. Moreover, when you buy vinyl windows, you can be rest assured that they will require any repainting job and will be cost-efficient.

When to replace your windows?

Check your old windows, if you see any excessive condensation, excessive frost, or drafts, it might be the right time to replace your windows.

What to look in glass?

Look for NFRC label before you buy vinyl windows. This label ensures the performance of new vinyl windows. One more thing to look for is the U-value of the windows. The lower the U-value, the higher the insulation. And the higher the insulation the lower the electricity bills. Next, you should look for Energy-Star label which is given by the government.

Should you DIY or Hire a Professional?

Unless you have the proper knowledge of the installation, it is recommended to hire a window installation professional to perform the job. In DIY project, if something goes wrong, you will end up paying high cost for damaged windows.

Why vinyl windows are the best?

New vinyl windows are weather resistant, strong, and durable and have high insulation. They would be the best choice because they win the race when we compare vinyl windows with other types of windows.

To learn more or to order vinyl windows online, visit us at our website

6 Things to Look for in Window Treatments

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Image of buy replacement windows online - cheap replacement windows treatments - online replacement windows

Once you buy replacement windows online, next thing is to purchase window treatments. Most of the homeowners want good discounts on window treatments. Many affordable and attractive window treatments are available in the market. But, picking the best among all can be a difficult task. So this article will show you what are the things that you need to look for when shopping for these.

Fewer Frills

Fewer frills are the better choice unless you are buying a castle. Nowadays floor length, layered, thick curtains have become outdated. People prefer something new which looks better and cleaner with slim double layers or single layer of curtains, drapes or shades. This modern look requires less maintenance and has minimalist look. Many wood shades give simple and elegance look.


Wood and fabric materials may sometimes be more prone to weathering. So it is very important to have a look at its durability that will make fabric and wood last long. You may order replacement windows treatments of vinyl materials as they are more durable that other materials.

Light Control

Window shades and blinds are also important tools to control lights in your rooms. You may be able to block light partially or completely depending you the treatment of your choice. In fact shades and blinds are the best to do this task. You can narrow or widened the blinds as per your requirements.


Insulation also needs to be considered. Even though you get good discount on window treatments, you may want to look at how effective it provides insulation. Know that anything you put against windows can act as an insulation provider. There is nothing like special shades and blinds which provide more insulation but modern types of them are made out of synthetic material that can help to achieve it in a better way. This way you would be able to lower your energy bills.

Great Designs

You may want to buy fashionable designs in window treatments. With the proper searches, you can surely get the design that you want. Many online stores now offer a number of different modern styles and designs at very affordable rates.


Last but not the least, safety is an important feature. Most of the homeowners take this feature for granted. Know that hanging fabric and cords can be big risks for kids in your house. So always check its mechanism before you purchase them.

There are a number of manufacturers who offer cheap replacement windows treatments. You just need to look for online replacement windows treatments or you can also visit us at for more information.

Tips to Replace Your Old Basement Windows

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Image of Vinyl is the best replacement windows

Do the windows in your basement let in a humid heat in summer and chilly draft in winter? Then you might need to replace them as soon as possible. Replacement of old basement windows can be done in different ways. Homeowners want low cost replacement windows with good features. Today I would try to give you the best advice with few points on how you can replace them without being confused.

Let we first talk about the most important aspects that needs to be considered:

  • If you want to replace single glass windows with the one which has better insulation, then probably you should go for mortar or vinyl. Double or triple glazed vinyl windows are available in the market which has better insulation. Vinyl is the best replacement windows of all.

If you have surrounding metals on your old basement windows, some questions that needs answers are:

  • What kind of fasteners are needed for installation?
  • How to fix the metal window in the wall?

One of the easiest way is to set the blocks in to notches before the plate is put on the foundation. To do this first of all cut the frame at top and bottom after removing the glass. To do it in a better way, cut off saws all or wheel. You can add some storm windows if you want to conserve heat and reduce your energy bills further. Further you can also compare replacement windows and find the best with Low-E value so that your energy bills can be lowered.

Make a note that Tap cons are one of the most popular methods for fastening to concrete. You must be knowing that if you have been following latest trends. In this method, you need to drill a 5/32 inches hole and run the hardened steel screw in.

I hope these small tips would do a big help on replacing your old basement windows. If you have any more questions, you can visit our website and get it answered. We offer great discount on replacement windows and customized assistance.

Tips on Choosing Right Windows Blinds

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Image of install vinyl windows

Buying windows blinds for your home is an important process. Once you install vinyl windows, next big task is to buy nice windows blinds for them. There are tons of companies who offer different range of window blinds ranging from wood to faux wood. Online companies are providing better deals as compared to retail stores. We recommend you to ensure that you have done enough research before you purchase them.

Wood Blinds vs. Faux Wood Blinds

Every homeowner should know that both of these are different. Wood blinds are made of pure wood while faux wood blinds are made of mix of vinyl, PVC, and wood.

Wood blinds are most popular due to their elegant look but you should know that they are not suitable in high moisture areas. Wood blinds costs you little higher and has more weight. While on the other hand, faux wood blinds are light weight because of no pure wood. They are more durable and suitable in high moisture areas.

Custom-Made Blinds

Like custom vinyl windows, custom-made blinds are great idea when you don’t find one that suits your windows. If you are going to buy custom-made blinds, they might be non-refundable. Some online stores claim to have refund policy but you should read terms well before buying them.

Other Recommendations

Windows blinds are important to choose rightly to suit the best on new vinyl windows. Here are some other recommendations that you should follow to prevent hectic deals.

Order Free Samples

Most of the online companies offer color swatches for free so that you can match them with your windows before ordering actual blinds. It is also good to check the quality of the product before ordering.

Measure Your Requirements Well

You need to study thoroughly on which type of window blinds you need. Do you need them to be mounted inside or mounted outside? You should read the instructions online.

Refer to How-to Video

Most of the companies keep How-to video on their website to give you a general idea on how to measure your windows blinds. Make sure that you refer them well and perform the same steps.

All in all, we hope that this small piece of guidelines would be applicable to all type of windows blinds purchases and make your shopping easy. To learn more or to buy vinyl windows blinds you can visit our website at