Month: July 2016

When Single-Hung Vinyl Replacement Windows are good to buy?

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So you are planning to give your home a new look with new replacement windows. With countless styles to choose from sliding, bay, bow, single-double hung, glass and crack, having a perfect windows for your home is just next to impossible task. And not only that, once you choose one, next confusing task is to choose windows frames that suites the best.

A new set of replacement windows can make a dramatic difference in your home’s comfort and efficiency because window technology has advanced so rapidly in recent years. Today we will discuss about vinyl replacement single hung windows.

What are Single Hung Windows?

Single-hung windows allow in air flow through the bottom sash by moving it in upper direction. Because, it is a single-hung, the top sash is fixed and cannot be moved. These windows are an excellent choice for rooms facing walkways, patios, or porches.

They are the most used and popular style of replacement windows because they are cheaper than double-hung windows. Single hung are the traditional designs that every home owners prefers for their house in US. It is 10-20% cheaper than double-hung windows and homeowners who require a number of windows for their home will find the huge cost difference. Here, the initial costs are definitely saved for those on a tight budget.

Following are the benefits of Single Hung Replacement Windows you will get when you buy it from window liquidators:

  • Fully customizable colors, sizes, shapes and patters from both sides
  • Durable and long-lasting product
  • Authentic window design
  • Excellent energy efficiency

If you’re concerned about the cost difference, we recommend you to go for single hung vinyl replacement windows. You can order them online from our website to get better options and discounts. Moreover, you can ask for free quotes so that you can compare the vinyl replacement windows price. You can visit our website at for a number of other replacement window options and types.

Why Crystal 300R Series Single Hung is a good Replacement Option?

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Windows Liquidator
Crystal 300R series vinyl replacement single hung windows are the ideal choice for value-seeking homeowners that are looking for a simple, straight-forward home window replacement solution that do not require operational upper sash. Here in this windows, only the bottom sash slides upward unlike a double hung window where sash can be moved in both directions.

Crystal 300R series replacement single hung are very identical to double hung windows and are widely available in the same shapes and sizes. This window features tilt-out lower sash for easy cleaning. Head expander and sill extension are also included to ensure a clean and easy installation.

Why Crystal Energy Star windows?

The performance of windows is rated by NFRC on how well they keep your home warm in the winter, cool in the summer, resist condensation, and keep out wind. These Crystal 300R series vinyl windows are far better in following factors:

  • U-Factor
  • R-Value
  • VT Visual Transmittance
  • SHGC Solar Heat Gain Coefficient

Warranty on Crystal Vinyl Windows

We offer warranty on these windows that covers the vinyl window products of Crystal Window. This is a fully transferrable warranty that means it will cover you as well as the new owner of your home. The warranty covers are as follows:

  • Basic Structure
  • Insulated Glass
  • All Mechanical Parts
  • Crystal Applied Paint Finishes

You can visit our website for full details of this limited warranty.

Offered Options in Crystal Windows

We offer many options on our Crystal 300R series vinyl replacement windows which are as follows:

  • Glass performance options
    • High elevation breather tube
    • Laminated glass
    • Low-E and Argon
    • Obscured
    • Oriel window
    • Tampered glass
    • Tinted glass bronze
    • Tinted glass grey
  • Grids options
    • Colonial flat grids
  • Mullion options
    • Factory mulled
    • Mullion
  • Structured options
    • Metal reinforcements
    • Nailing fin
  • Tax rebate options
    • High-efficiency glass package for tax rebate

Discounts offered

We offer online discount and fall sale discount on our Crystal 300R series replacement single hung windows. For more details, please visit us at

Benefits of Energy Efficient Windows for Your Home

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Image of Energy efficient replacement windows
Energy efficient window is dangerous to protection benefits in low cost. Window Liquidator has energy efficient windows which designed to keep the outside elements at inlet so we can enjoy a comfortable and affordable home temperature.  We have best windows for your home. Homes with Window Liquidator products can capability to reduced heating and cooling more cost.

All houses lose heat by windows. But Energy efficient window keeps your home warm and quite as well as reducing energy bills so you can save your lots of money which extra expense on electricity. This may be double or triple glazing, secondary glazing or by heavier curtains.

Benefits of energy-efficient windows

  • Reduce cost of electricity bills
  • Smaller carbon footprint.
  • Relaxed home by energy efficient Windows
  • Keeping the heat in, energy efficient windows protect home beside outside noise.
  • Energy-efficient windows reduce compression build-up on the intimate of windows.

The cost and saving for energy efficient window will be different for each home and window as depending on its size, materials.

How energy-efficient glazing works

  • Double-glazed windows have two glass with the gap. Maintain usually 16mm gap between both glasses to make a protecting obstacle that saves heat in. Sometimes filled with gas.
  • Triple-glazed windows have glass but aren’t always better than double-glazed windows.

Energy efficient windows emanated in a variety of mount ingredients and elegances.

Presentation standards differ rendering to the succeeding:

  • How they stop warmth from transient by the window.
  • How much daylight explorations by the glass?
  • How be slight air able to outflow in or out nearby the window?

What to look for when selecting the Energy Efficient Window

  • Glass

The utmost energy-efficient type for double glazing is low emissivity glass. This often has an unseen covering of metallic oxide, usually on one of the inside window panes. This lets in sunlight and heat but grazes the quantity of warmth that can get out.

  • Gaps between the glass

Efficient windows use gasses such as argon and krypton in the gap between the glasses.

  • Pane spacers

These also known as the warm edge. These are set around the inside edge to keep two panes of glass separately.

  • Frame materials

o    PVC frames last a long time and may be reprocessed.

o    Wooden frames can have a lesser eco-friendly effect, but need care.

o    Aluminum or steel frames are thin and enduring, and may be reused.

o    Amalgamated frames have an internal wooden frame enclosed with aluminum or plastic. This decreases the need for repairs and hangs onto the frame weatherproof.


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Choose Replacement Windows
Are you planning to replace your old home windows? Are you confused about where and how to start the window replacement project? Well, you need not to worry anymore because we are here with an article about 4 most popular home window styles and the factors to consider one.

First of all remember that not all window styles suits all types of architecture. You need to match your architectural style to ideal window types. Here are the 4 factors that will help you to decide on that:

  1. Craftsman Home and Casement Windows – Casement windows have been a part of classic American craftsman homes and typically uses warm wood and earth tones texture. Some good features craftsman of it are mixture of materials like shingles and brick and shallow pitched roofs. Here casement windows make a perfect combination with its simple looks and strong structure.
  1. Georgian Home and Double-Hung Windows – Georgian home has two-symmetrical façade with openings across its stories. The traditional design also includes classic cornices adorned with carvings and medallions. Here double-hung windows are the best choice. You can customize those windows as per your requirements.
  1. Ranch Home and Picture Windows – Ranch homes are typically one story structure which is long and narrow. It sprawls in a rectangular shape. Picture windows are ideal for this minimalist home style. They look stunning and beautiful while allowing you to enjoy panoramic outdoor views while sitting on your sofa.
  2. Modern Home and Specialty Windows – contemporary or modern homes often sport an asymmetrical appearance unlike other homes. They have beautiful design, unique shapes and available in all sizes. Window Liquidator’s Specialty windows suit all modern homes in America.

We hope with the above article, it will become easier for you to make replacement window choices for your home style. If you are planning to hire a professional replacement windows company, you can contact window liquidators at We look forward to serve our clients in the best way possible.

Popular Replacement Window Style for Bathroom

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Popular Replacement Window Style for Bathroom
Choosing the right window style it’s much important as taking care of natural lights comes in the bathroom by that window and privacy or security also maintain. So by these tips, it will be easy to select. Window Liquidators provides ultimate, unique design and style of replacement window online. We have the experience to turn boring bathroom in excellent place by replacement window.

Top favorites Window Style for Bathroom

Full-Height Replacement Window for Bathroom

We can fit this type of window where none of the problems will occur for privacy. By this get maximum lights in the bathroom. This replacement window offers beautiful views of nature landscape. By matching the right window treatment you can diffuse the light which was entering from replacement window. Also, increase of privacy factor when it a necessity.

Circular Replacement Window

This type of window placed higher in the bathroom area and control the light comes from outside in the bathroom. It is the best option to keep privacy in the bathroom. You can fix other window treatment like the background of window mirror so it improves the effect of the bathroom.

Small Replacement Window

It also fixed the high area in the bathroom so controlled daylight comes bathroom directly; not need to fit extra treatment of replacement window. This type window only for daylight use. By this you cannot enjoy nature landscape, beautiful views while bathing.

Skylight Replacement Window

Skylight replacement window means, a window placed on the roof of the bathroom. It’s the best window type to give excellent effect to the home look. By the window, you do not get only daylight but also get night moonlight in the bathroom and enjoy bathing.

Window Liquidator has a variety of quality windows, from a skylight to specialty, to ensemble home’s several requirements.

How to Choose Replacement Windows Online

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Windows Liquidator
When thinking about remodeling home many peoples don’t think for windows like the bathroom. But it also as needed as our home needs remodeling after some of the years passed. Some people might think for it. Replacement or remodeling window make your home more beautiful, well-organized and comfortable.  Each home is different in terms of architecture and style as its dream home for all people. So when you going to replacement window while remodeling home these are the points will help you to choose the perfect window form for your dream home.

Choose perfect match window for remodeling or replacement window it is the most important factor of the remodeling home. If your whole home looks good but the insect, moisture damage on your window it looks whole home bad. So select that window design which improves the look of your home. At that time make sure about Replacement Window cost, Replacement Window service supplier, Window martial, window design etc…  All thing related to window replacement. Window Liquidators provide best service of replacement window online in very low price compare to market. We supply verity of replacement windows like made from wood, vinyl, and aluminum. They can be single hung or double, sliding, or skylight windows, among others. By tighter seals (for security), high tech materials and low maintenance make a replacement window perfect investment in future.

  • Choose Perfect Match Frames for Replacement Window Online

By perfect frame with replacement window given much effect on window style and color. Many frames are in colored or plane. Metals and wood both frames are good for a replacement window. Many colors and designs available in frames.

  • Decide the purpose of Windows

Windows not only for to get lights and air from outside. But yes they are basic and main need from the window. But many people like to stand and watch outside from window for much time. So they like to see some of best nature scenes or passing people from road etc. so first decide the purpose of the window.

Improve your home Interior Design with Window Replacement

Window improves home interior design by various styles, colors, and shapes. By window replacement create more space in your home. Contact for Replacement Window online at Window Liquidators.

6 Reasons to Buy Replacement Windows from a Professional Company

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Image of Cost of Replacement Windows
Buying and installing replacement windows is a big decision for any homeowner. If it is not taken care properly, it is possible that you end up buying bad windows, or damage them permanently during wrong installation. When you install a replacement window improperly, you face many issues and then you may have to live with that for years.

This is why today I am going to recommend hiring a professional window company for the project. Here are the top 6 reasons why it is required:

  1. Reputation is important. When a company does well in their projects, they earn good reputation in the market. You can ask around or search the details about the company on the Internet to know their history and past work. You can also ask the company about their ratings. Generally, A+ rated companies are the one you can trust on.
  2. Lots of variety! A good company offer lots of variety in the terms of styles and colors of the replacement windows. They help you find the perfect windows for your home with the perfect color, shape and style at a reasonable price within your budget.
  3. Those windows are going to last! Replacement windows not a days have become a big investment. A good company help you safeguard you investments by installing long-lasting and durable replacement windows that can serve you for years. Besides, you also get guarantee on your replacement windows.
  4. Are honesty and integrity important? A company with honesty and integrity in their core of the business model, are trustworthy. They stand behind their products and installation work they do. This way you can raise a problem if any, and they quickly work to resolve them.
  5. Custom made windows. Many companies offer custom made windows that are specially made for you to suit your home’s interior and exterior. You can ask them about customizations if you require.
  6. Old is Gold. Companies which are old are likely to have gained more experience through their past projects. So you can search for old companies with good experience in installation.

So after reading above 6 reasons, would you consider searching a good window company or just go at a local store and buy it? Send us your views on hiring a replacement windows installation company at

9 Facts of Bow Window you probably don’t know

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There are few windows that will add more elegance and character to your home, for e.g. Bow Window. But, among all types, bow windows are the most efficient and a perfect solution for your home. Here, today we present top 9 facts of bow windows that will give an overview of it:

  1. A bow window is a collection of several windows which are in a line. Commonly it is an arching row of five windows. But, if you want a change in this configuration, you can also have four windows or as many as you want. There is only one limitation, your windows will create a complete circle eventually.
  2. It is a good solution to bring more light to the interior of your home. It is obvious that you are going to have more light coming in when you have several windows in a line.
  3. Bow window adds a new character and a style to your home. This window will add elegant charm to the exterior of your home and cause beautiful shadows on your interior floors even with a simple configuration.
  4. You will have the benefit of more interior space with bow windows. This extra space can be used to put a shelf on which to put plants or a cushioned bench for light afternoon reading.
  5. You can widen your bow window by adding more windows to it. That will save more interior space for you.
  6. Now this is very important! Bow window installation is not a DIY project and you should hire a professional to do it. When done wrongly, it can leak heat and cold which can lead to energy-inefficiency and even they can get damaged in worse situation.
  7. You can trust that your windows will be installed properly when you hire window liquidators. Our team of certified experts are well trained and can install your bow window perfectly.
  8. If you want custom made bow windows, you can ask for it to your windows provider. Window liquidators provide custom made windows to fit your specific needs.
  9. Bow windows are made from 100% PVC and vinyl material which are highly durable, energy efficient and requires very less maintenance.

So are you ready to install bow window at your home now? You can have a look at variety of windows at our website and select a replacement window for your home.