Month: June 2022

What to Consider While Choosing Replacement Window for Your Home?

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So, you have decided to replace the windows in the house. But have you ever wondered what kind of window suits your place? Don’t worry, you are probably not alone and don’t know about this. However, it is necessary to focus on the things before installing them to save your efforts and the cost of repeatedly replacing windows

We’ll share some key things you can consider while choosing the replacement window in this post. Let’s have a look. 

  • Material of the Window Frame 

Before installing a window in your home, look after the frame material. Generally, the windows are made of wood, vinyl, and fibreglass material. The Vinyl window seems perfect for the house out of all the materials. It is durable and runs for longer without getting damaged from the external environment. 

Windows made with wood are also an excellent replacement, but they are prone to damage and don’t resist extreme weather conditions. At the same time, fibreglass windows are also a great replacement because they are highly durable and long-lasting. 

  • Type of Windows 

We know that hundreds of options are available for replacing windows in the house. Some of the models are single-hung designs, whereas some are double-hung windows. Ideally, prefer to have double-hung windows because these kinds of windows are specially designed for homes and are easy to clean. 

There are crank-out windows also, which are perfect for multiple openings. Crank-out windows are highly energy-efficient and suitable for all forms of windows. However, it completely depends on which type of windows you like the most to install in your home places. 

  • Windows Glass Panels 

After selecting the material and type of the windows, focus on the glass panels. A double or triple-paned glass window will be ideal if you want to have an energy-efficient and low emissivity coating. However, if you live in a colder region, we recommend having krypton gas-filled glass panels. This window panel helps save energy and transfer heat into the homes to keep the place warm. 

  • Size of the Window 

If you are thinking of replacing windows in the house, then be sure to take the proper measurement of the window area. It helps in choosing the right size of the window. In addition to this, you can focus on other glass measurements, wire gauges, etc. 

  • Budget 

The cost to replace windows may vary from low to high. Therefore, you can check the budget before installing or replacing windows. There are various budget-friendly options available in the market with glass packages. If you want to save money, a low-E coating is better. Also, the Low-E coating is highly energy-efficient and resistant to water damage. 


Homeowners can follow this guide before installing or replacing windows. However, replacing the windows depends on the need of your place and your budget. Depending on your requirement, you can also look for other features and types of windows best suited for your places.

Energy Efficient Windows Cost

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Energy-efficient windows (energy saving windows) are a boon for homes. Not only do they make homes more comfortable, but they also keep energy bills in check. This is made possible with the high-end insulation provided by these windows which ensures the heated or cooled air of your home does not escape. In summertime, it is essential to have energy-efficient windows in the entire home to meet energy-savings expectations. Even one leaky window or single-pane window would add to the energy bills as the appliances work more than needed to keep the home cooler than outside. As such, the thermal insulation provided by single pane windows cannot be compared to that of double pane windows.

Source: BPI Homeowner

How much money can be saved in the summertime? 

The Department of Energy states that it is possible to save $125 to $465 each year when older, single-pane windows are replaced with high Energy-Star rated windows. On average, installing Energy Star windows can result in savings of 12 percent on the utility bill in a year. While this percent is not impressive, the actual amount saved is still substantial – if you spend $2000 yearly, you will save $200 in a year. And this is achieved solely by installing Energy Star window. If you make up your mind to replace all single pane windows with double pane windows, it is possible to save up to 31% on the cooling costs.

Best energy-efficient windows

Be aware different types of windows provide unique benefits for your home. Choosing the right type of energy-efficient window for your home may increase the energy savings. Here are some of best energy saving windows and materials that you can choose from:

  • Double/Triple glazing 

Double-glazing or double pane windows have a gas filled space between panes to provide the required insulation. When another glazing is added, it becomes a triple-glazing window, which adds to the insulation benefits provided.

Source: Neuffer windows
  • Low-E windows
    These windows are 30%-40% more efficient than double-pane windows. They sport a metal coating between the panes of glass. The metal film ensures heat radiation does not pass through the window.
  • Window design
    The design and operation of some windows make them more energy efficient. For instance, awning and casement windows are pressed against the frame when closed, providing less air leakage when compared to sliding windows.
  • Window frame
    The material from which a window is made contributes to its efficiency. For example, uPVC, fiberglass and wood frames are better insulators when compared to metal frames. In case you have already chosen metal frames, a thermal break can be installed within the frames to increase the insulation. Vinyl frames not only provide great insulation, but they are low maintenance, too! Have a look at what we have to offer for Vinyl windows. 
Source: Glass on Web

Energy-efficient windows cost

It won’t come as a surprise that the cost of energy-efficient windows varies, according to the windows’ efficiency. Typically, the cost for each energy-efficient window would be between $300 to $1000. Also, the location of the window will also affect the cost – a basement window would be more expensive than one in a bedroom. While the window in a bedroom may cost you between $300 to $600, the one in the basement may cost you up to $1000. Also, the size and type of window also alter the cost. For large windows, like egress windows, the cost can go up to $5000 per window.

Buy energy-efficient windows

We, at Window Liquidators, ship windows and doors across the entire US. Choose from the hundreds of options that we provide for energy-efficient windows. Make sure you choose a LowE/Argon/High-efficiency Glass Package from the options provided with the different window types to make your favorite window energy efficient.

Bay Windows: What you should know about them

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Do you believe that windows have the strength to transform any home? They don’t get as much attention as they deserve because they are ubiquitous in any home you visit. They don’t get much credit for making the home look gorgeous and for improving its curb appeal. The aesthetics of a window is extremely important to any home. Improving your home’s windows can, in fact, make your home look totally different. It’s one of the easiest ways to transform and upgrade your home.

Most homeowners think about the window design last during the construction process. They believe windows are a part of the interior design, way after the house was already constructed. But is that how you are supposed to think about windows? Aren’t windows one of the main elements of a house? Can you easily change the shape and the location of the windows? The simple answer is no. This means windows are both part of the construction process and interior design.

No house can be complete without any windows. Windows facilitate the entry of natural light indoors. They enable the occupants of a house to enjoy the views of the neighborhood or locality. Also, they serve to keep the house cross-ventilated. Increasingly, homeowners are realizing the immense value of their windows for all of those reasons, plus one other. Homeowners are becoming aware of how their windows influence on the overall look of their homes.

No window type provides the impact on design than a bay window. Let’s look at how a bay window can make an impact on design, the choices that you have and other general benefits of careful window planning.

How New Windows Increase Home Value?

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While the real estate sector continues its monumental growth, timely renovation of your home is essential to increase its value. When we speak about renovation of the home, there are a million different options. But, are you aware that replacing windows is consistently on the list of top 10 ways to increase your home’s value? Generally, people are hesitant about investing in new windows in a rather old home, due to the cost. Since the investment is large, homeowners expect a sizable increase in the home’s value.  How do you achieve that?

Source: Crossover Roofing

How To Add Value to Your Home?

What if we tell you that an ROI of 85% can be expected if $10K are spend on replacing the windows? At least this is what an article from CNBC says. The exact increase in the value of your home will heavily rely on the windows that you choose for your home. Let’s look at the valuable benefits.

Increase in energy efficiency

Due to fluctuating weather conditions, windows change size over time. This causes the air seal to weaken and begin to leak. The gain and loss of heat through old, leaky windows leads to ~25% of residential heating and cooling energy use. One of the quickest and effective way to fix this is to replace the window. Yes, you will have to pay a premium to get the windows replaced with the right ones, but the savings in your monthly energy bills won’t let you down. Today, the new windows are much more energy-efficient that the older ones. When a single pane window is replaced with an Energy Start window, an estimated $101 – $583 can be saved every year, which is a great selling point for a real estate listing. 

Home aesthetics

Windows sag with time, which makes a home look outdated. This aging element could affect the home’s value drastically. Replacement windows increase your home’s value by adding to its aesthetic and improving its curb appeal. New windows can provide a fresh look to even a dull home by accentuating the face of the home with a fresh color palette. Making this simple upgrade can get top dollar, especially in the current market!

Source: Better Homes & Gardens

Home security

There have been recent technological advancements in windows, which make them more secure. No longer are windows an unsecure, simple pane of glass. With multi-pane availability and innovative locks, new windows will not be an unsafe entry point to your home. You can now choose more secure windows styles and materials if your goal is to increase home security. The more secure your windows are, the more secure your home is. Increased safety will directly add to the value of your home.

Source: AOA

Less pollution  

With the availability of double and triple glass panes and insulating frames, the noise pollution gets reduced to a great extent when you choose the right windows. And it’s not just noise pollution reduced. When windows provide good insulation, they also keep your home safe from pollution with dust and allergens. While this will certainly save the amount of time you invest in cleaning, it might also save your family members from related health conditions. Again, the peacefulness and comfort of a home’s interior can increase its value to a new owner.

Because of all the above replacement windows not only add to your home’s value, but are packed with multiple benefits. If you’re sold on the idea, feel free to browse our new and replacement windows options. If there are any questions, we’re more than happy to answer!

Got a broken window seal? Here is how you identify and fix it

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Is your room more humid or colder than before? Are the windows of your room hazy? What can be the reason behind unnecessary humming in the room? Is it challenging to find the source of the problem?

These are some of the questions that surface when you have a  broken window seal. It is surprising how many home-related problems come from windows. And how many problems get fixed for the long term if window-specific problems are addressed in a timely manner and with care.

Identifying the source of the problem that is causing noise leakage and humidity can be difficult. You usually find it is a broken window seal that is causing issues. Replacement of window seals can be expensive. Therefore, it is wise to fix them before they start causing serious problems. You can seek consultation from one of the Window Liquidators experts for properly getting your window seal fixed if you don’t want to take the risk of fixing it yourself. 

However, fixing issues related to window seals can be too difficult for amateurs. If a homeowner enjoys home improvement projects, they might try and tackle window seal repair. If not fixed correctly, faulty seals continue to create issues for the entire home. That is why this particular renovation project is best left to experts.

Why Fix Your Window Seals at All?

Source: Glassdoctor

It becomes vital for us to make a careful decision whether our windows, regardless of their type, need replacement or renovation. Usually, replacement comes into question in places where there are extreme climates. In states with milder climates vinyl windows last up to 15 years, that is with proper upkeep and maintenance.

Unfixed windows can cause multiple problems, including energy expenditure, high maintenance for cooling units, and more. Before you make a repair or replacement decision, it is wise to check the warranty on your window seal. It can save you a lot of money since the replacement of windows can be costly.

If you decide to repair the issues, it is important to have detailed research on the problem at hand before beginning the process of fixing it. You need an overall understanding of different parts of a window. (You can read more about different windows and their parts here). Also, you should understand how to identify whether a broken seal is really causing your problem. Those issues caused by a broken window seal can include high humidity, improper insulation or noise leakage, plus other related problems like an air conditioner not functioning properly.

How to Identify a Broken Window Seal

Whether it is the excess moisture or cold breeze that is making indoors cooler than usual, it is essential to fix the issues relating to windows before they turn into something really expensive. Recognizing the source of the problem relating to windows can be tricky, but knowledge of some of the common identifiers helps. First, let us understand some of the basic kinds of windows that come with a seal such that we can differentiate better and come with a better solution for the same.

The most windows that have a seal are single-pane windows, double-pane windows, and triple-pane windows. Panes are nothing but sheets of glass that are fit inside the frame of the window. Double pane windows have two panes and are the window style most used in residential construction. (Single pane windows that are almost outdated, and triple-pane windows are not a common option for homes.) They are also known as thermopane windows with two panes of glass for better insulation. Most manufacturers add the advantage of argon gas filling, which provides increased insulation. Argon gas is used instead of other gases because argon has 34% less thermal conductivity than the standard atmosphere.

Source: Glassdoctor

Now that the type of windows with window seals are identified, let’s move on to the issues caused by broken window seals. The following are signs that you might have a leaky window seal:

  • Hazy appearance: When windows are covered with condensed water or moisture, it is usually caused by a broken window seal. The window should be blocking moisture from coming into the house, but with a broken seal the moisture finds its way inside. 
  • Peeling or rotting panes: Another way to identify a compromised window seal is through the appearance of the panes. When they begin to rot and deteriorate as a result of change in the temperature causing expansion and contraction, it is quite likely that the seal is damaged too.  
  • Cracks: A broken window seal causes the window to crack from inside due to improper installation/caulking or wear and tear of the window. This also happens when the argon gas that is filled in the window leaks.  
  • Unwashable scum on the window: When there is failure in window sealing, it causes the formation of scum on the window. Unlike other forms of scum that can be easily cleaned, this cannot be cleaned, and it settles quite prominently on the pane.  
  • High energy bills: Due to lack of insulation, it is obvious that energy bills will skyrocket. If you are receiving high energy bills, it is quite possible that it can be due to failure in window sealing causing the cooling units to work more than required consuming more power.
Source: greatinspector

Common causes of window seal failure

Now that you know about the most common identifiers of a broken window seal it is crucial that we know the reasons behind its failure. The following are some of the common causes of window seal breaks:

  • Increased exposure to sunlight:  Increased exposure to sunlight is a common issue for windows that are sun-facing. It causes expansion and contraction of glass with the stiffening of the seal (also known as solar pumping), resulting in the seal’s breakage.  
  • Faulty installation: Incorrect installation can also result in the failure of window sealing. If you have had someone who isn’t experienced to check the insulation of the sealing of your windows or install your windows, this can happen. It can be due to the seal not given enough time to settle or damage caused to sealing while installing.  

Is your room more humid or colder than before? Are the windows of your room hazy? What can be the reason behind unnecessary humming in the room? Is it challenging to find the source of the problem?

These are some of the questions that surface when you have a  broken window seal. It is surprising how many home-related problems come from windows. And how many problems get fixed for the long term if window-specific problems are addressed in a timely manner and with care.

Identifying the source of the problem that is causing noise leakage and humidity can be difficult. You usually find it is a broken window seal that is causing issues. Replacement of window seals can be expensive. Therefore, it is wise to fix them before they start causing serious problems. You can seek consultation from one of the Window Liquidators experts for properly getting your window seal fixed if you don’t want to take the risk of fixing it yourself. 

However, fixing issues related to window seals can be too difficult for amateurs. If a homeowner enjoys home improvement projects, they might try and tackle window seal repair. If not fixed correctly, faulty seals continue to create issues for the entire home. That is why this particular renovation project is best left to experts.

Why Fix Your Window Seals at All?

Source: Glassdoctor

It becomes vital for us to make a careful decision whether our windows, regardless of their type, need replacement or renovation. Usually, replacement comes into question in places where there are extreme climates. In states with milder climates vinyl windows last up to 15 years, that is with proper upkeep and maintenance.

Unfixed windows can cause multiple problems, including energy expenditure, high maintenance for cooling units, and more. Before you make a repair or replacement decision, it is wise to check the warranty on your window seal. It can save you a lot of money since the replacement of windows can be costly.

If you decide to repair the issues, it is important to have detailed research on the problem at hand before beginning the process of fixing it. You need an overall understanding of different parts of a window. (You can read more about different windows and their parts here). Also, you should understand how to identify whether a broken seal is really causing your problem. Those issues caused by a broken window seal can include high humidity, improper insulation or noise leakage, plus other related problems like an air conditioner not functioning properly.

How to Identify a Broken Window Seal

Whether it is the excess moisture or cold breeze that is making indoors cooler than usual, it is essential to fix the issues relating to windows before they turn into something really expensive. Recognizing the source of the problem relating to windows can be tricky, but knowledge of some of the common identifiers helps. First, let us understand some of the basic kinds of windows that come with a seal such that we can differentiate better and come with a better solution for the same.

The most windows that have a seal are single-pane windows, double-pane windows, and triple-pane windows. Panes are nothing but sheets of glass that are fit inside the frame of the window. Double pane windows have two panes and are the window style most used in residential construction. (Single pane windows that are almost outdated, and triple-pane windows are not a common option for homes.) They are also known as thermopane windows with two panes of glass for better insulation. Most manufacturers add the advantage of argon gas filling, which provides increased insulation. Argon gas is used instead of other gases because argon has 34% less thermal conductivity than the standard atmosphere.

Source: Glassdoctor

Now that the type of windows with window seals are identified, let’s move on to the issues caused by broken window seals. The following are signs that you might have a leaky window seal:

  • Hazy appearance: When windows are covered with condensed water or moisture, it is usually caused by a broken window seal. The window should be blocking moisture from coming into the house, but with a broken seal the moisture finds its way inside. 
  • Peeling or rotting panes: Another way to identify a compromised window seal is through the appearance of the panes. When they begin to rot and deteriorate as a result of change in the temperature causing expansion and contraction, it is quite likely that the seal is damaged too.  
  • Cracks: A broken window seal causes the window to crack from inside due to improper installation/caulking or wear and tear of the window. This also happens when the argon gas that is filled in the window leaks.  
  • Unwashable scum on the window: When there is failure in window sealing, it causes the formation of scum on the window. Unlike other forms of scum that can be easily cleaned, this cannot be cleaned, and it settles quite prominently on the pane.  
  • High energy bills: Due to lack of insulation, it is obvious that energy bills will skyrocket. If you are receiving high energy bills, it is quite possible that it can be due to failure in window sealing causing the cooling units to work more than required consuming more power.
Source: greatinspector

Common causes of window seal failure

Now that you know about the most common identifiers of a broken window seal it is crucial that we know the reasons behind its failure. The following are some of the common causes of window seal breaks:

  • Increased exposure to sunlight:  Increased exposure to sunlight is a common issue for windows that are sun-facing. It causes expansion and contraction of glass with the stiffening of the seal (also known as solar pumping), resulting in the seal’s breakage.  
  • Faulty installation: Incorrect installation can also result in the failure of window sealing. If you have had someone who isn’t experienced to check the insulation of the sealing of your windows or install your windows, this can happen. It can be due to the seal not given enough time to settle or damage caused to sealing while installing.  
Source: Caspersen
  • Moisture: If you live in a humid place with more rain, then this can also cause a breakage of the seal due to water being settled in the corners. When exposed to humidity, wood begins to dampen, and metal begins to rust. This causes the overall structural strength to degrade.  
  • Temperature: Temperature changes can ruin the window seal. Cycles in temperqture that cause exposure to heat and cold can cause the glass to expand and contract, affecting its structural integrity significantly.  
  • Lack of maintenance: When left for long periods without maintenance, windows can lose their structural quality, which is another cause of seal breakage.

How to fix and maintain window seals

If you have decided to fix your windows without any expert help, then you can follow some of the methods as listed below: 

  • Clean, replace and reinstall:  Remove the window panes in their entirety, be careful if you are working with something big in size. Clean the panes thoroughly. The next step would be finding the break in the seal. Once you have found the break in the seal, you can replace the seal and refill the argon gas in it. Finally, with all the insulation checks made, reinstall the windows. It can get pretty complex, from cleaning to reinstalling the windows. Therefore, it is best to leave the job wherever possible to experts.  
  • Defog: It is highly recommended that you hire an expert for this job. Defogging, as the name suggests, is treating the windows to resist the excess moisture that accumulates in them due to climate changes. This involves drilling the exterior of a windowpane with a small hole, injecting the panes with chemical, and using a vacuum to suck out all of the air. A typical defogging job costs only around $60 – $100.
  • Install weather stripping: Another method to treat broken window seals temporarily is to install weather strips on the windows, providing them with added insulation. Strips are divided into two kinds, nail-on and self-sticking strips. There are a lot of options window-strip options from which to choose, such as foam strips, compressible felt strips, and more.  
Source: WCMA

In conclusion, windows are a crucial part of our homes. Not only do they add an aesthetically pleasing value to our homes, but they are also a source of natural light and ventilation. To avoid the trouble of expensive repairs and replacement of the windows, it is recommended that you do preventive and timely maintenance of your windows, including window pane seals.

  • Moisture: If you live in a humid place with more rain, then this can also cause a breakage of the seal due to water being settled in the corners. When exposed to humidity, wood begins to dampen, and metal begins to rust. This causes the overall structural strength to degrade.  
  • Temperature: Temperature changes can ruin the window seal. Cycles in temperqture that cause exposure to heat and cold can cause the glass to expand and contract, affecting its structural integrity significantly.  
  • Lack of maintenance: When left for long periods without maintenance, windows can lose their structural quality, which is another cause of seal breakage.

How to fix and maintain window seals

If you have decided to fix your windows without any expert help, then you can follow some of the methods as listed below: 

  • Clean, replace and reinstall:  Remove the window panes in their entirety, be careful if you are working with something big in size. Clean the panes thoroughly. The next step would be finding the break in the seal. Once you have found the break in the seal, you can replace the seal and refill the argon gas in it. Finally, with all the insulation checks made, reinstall the windows. It can get pretty complex, from cleaning to reinstalling the windows. Therefore, it is best to leave the job wherever possible to experts.  
  • Defog: It is highly recommended that you hire an expert for this job. Defogging, as the name suggests, is treating the windows to resist the excess moisture that accumulates in them due to climate changes. This involves drilling the exterior of a windowpane with a small hole, injecting the panes with chemical, and using a vacuum to suck out all of the air. A typical defogging job costs only around $60 – $100.
  • Install weather stripping: Another method to treat broken window seals temporarily is to install weather strips on the windows, providing them with added insulation. Strips are divided into two kinds, nail-on and self-sticking strips. There are a lot of options window-strip options from which to choose, such as foam strips, compressible felt strips, and more.  
Source: WCMA

In conclusion, windows are a crucial part of our homes. Not only do they add an aesthetically pleasing value to our homes, but they are also a source of natural light and ventilation. To avoid the trouble of expensive repairs and replacement of the windows, it is recommended that you do preventive and timely maintenance of your windows, including window pane seals.